Monday, September 30, 2019

Greatest Good for the Greatest Number

Michael Sandel lectures on justice throughout two episodes. Episode 1 Part one â€Å"The Moral Side of the Murder† has three cases that demonstrate how to recognize moral selflessness and cope with consequences. These cases also show us how they move us to act and the opportunities that exist from those actions. The moral rightness of these cases can maximize consequentiality moral reasoning and can also locate morality in certain duties and rights which is categorical reasoning. In the first case driving the trolley and killing one worker rather than five is not considered an act of murder according to students from Sandels discussions.The majority expressed consequentialist moral reasoning. As an onlooker on a bridge looking at the trolley, some students would not push a fat man over the bridge to save the five workers, they said that the act would be committing murder; therefore the consequences are complex and categorical. When asked about a surgeon removing five organs fr om one healthy individual to save the lives of five other individuals, the majority of the students did not agree to be morally correct. In this example the greatest number was compromised because of moral reasoning.Episode 1 Part two, â€Å"The Case for Cannibalism† is a real life story that asks the question if the four survivors of the Mignonette ship were morally justified. Brooks, Dudley, Stevens and Parker had been on a life boat for 19 days. Parker’s decision to drink the salt water put him in a vulnerable position that ended his life by cannibalism to save the rest. By day twenty-four, Brooks, Dudley and Stevens were rescued and arrested. The majority of the students agreed to try them while the minority asked the question to what degree of necessity would exonerate them.It was discussed if the three survivors would benefit the community or be a danger to society for being cannibalistic. The key point by Sandel and the students was that adding consent would mak e a difference in the trial. Kantian ethics was preferred instead of Bentham’s utilitarianism theory. Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill have different proposals on utilitarianism. â€Å"Jeremy Bentham identified good consequences with pleasure, which is measured in terms of intensity, duration, certainty, propinquity, fecundity, purity, and extent.John Stuart Mill argued that pleasures differ in quality as well as quantity and that the highest good involves the highest quality as well as quantity of pleasure. † There is no agreement on which theories count as consequentiality under this definition therefore skepticism will always exist. Episode 2 Part One â€Å"Putting a Price Tag on Life† was focused on Bentham’s theory of act-utilitarian. Cost benefit analysis was a huge focus on this topic. This analysis involves placing a dollar value to stand for utility.The first case took place in Czech Republic encouraging the citizens to smoke. The company Phil ip Morris conducted a cost benefit analysis and had the highest gain which included early death from smoking to benefit the government or other people. Decision to smoke was a qualitative risk factor since there was known probabilities. This objection to utilitarianism fails to respect individual and minority rights and is not possible to total a dollar value on human life. Another study that examined placing a dollar value on human life, was done by psychologist Edward Thorndike.He conducted a survey in the 1930’s for the purpose of placing a dollar amount with various scenarios. The choices of living in a farm in Kansas, pulling off a front tooth, cutting off a toe and eating a worm all had a value. The majority favored as the highest pleasure to live in a farm in Kansas. Episode 2 Part Two â€Å"How to Measure Pleasure† discusses the levels of pleasure. The examples of choosing the highest pleasure between Shakespeare, Simpsons or Fear Factor were based on culture a nd education. Students reasoned that Shakespeare voted the highest because this is presented throughout the school years.But if given a choice between Shakespeare, seasons of the Simpsons as the only pleasure for life, majority ruled I favor of Shakespeare for intellect purposes. The Simpsons for entertaining purposes were voted second and Fear Factor last. To test the highest pleasure, people would have to experience all to pick the very best. John Stuart Mill said that utility is the only standard of morality therefore you must experience both pleasures. The similarities between Episode 1 and 2, was that categorical moral reasoning was preferred.Circumstances dictated those whom decided that the greatest good was for the greatest number. In contrast, more utilitarian and consequential moral reasoning emphasis was found in Episode 1 than in episode 2. The moral of the story that philosopher Bentham suggested was that â€Å"Here in life and in death is a man who adhered to the prin cipals of his philosophy. † References http://www. questia. com/read/1E1-utilitar/utilitarianism http://onbiostatistics. blogspot. com/2010/02/cost-benefit-analysis-put-dollar-value. html

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Agency Report on Human Services Agency Essay

I chose to write a report about the YWCA Pierce County, located on 405 Broadway St, Tacoma Washington. The YWCA or Young Women’s Christian Association is one of the oldest and largest women’s organization in the nation, serving over 2 million women, and their families at more than 1,300 locations across the United States. The original Christian perspective is still strong in many of the national associations, but some have changed their focus to be more of a social and community based program. The YWCA Pierce County is a community leader and forerunner in domestic violence for over a century now. Established in 1906, the YWCA is has steadily expanded and enhanced a comprehensive menu of domestic violence service provision, offering clients real tools to implement change in their own lives. Their mission statement is to transform lives through safety, healing and empowerment. This is an organization that is dedicated to eliminating racism and empowering women. The YWCA P ierce County’s vision is to create a safe, just and equitable community and they do this through education and outreach by promoting peace, justice, freedom and dignity for clients from all races and walks of life. Their comprehensive Domestic Violence services that highlights intervention and prevention includes 24 hour emergency assistance (intervention hotlines), free legal services (with protection orders, as well as other criminal and civil law), immigration and safety planning, parenting plans, emergency shelter, transitional housing, case management, therapeutic services, advocacy, support groups, food, clothing and diapers, transportation, teen dating violence prevention, full interpretive services and more. There is such a great concern with the problem of domestic violence within the community as a whole. The legal definition for domestic violence as defined by the RCW 10.99 (Revised Code of Washington) is ‘crimes committed by one family member or household member against another.’ Here are the grim statistics: One in 4 women will experience DV during her lifetime. Women experience more than 4 million physical assaults and rapes because of their partners, and men are victims of nearly 3 million physical assaults. Women are more likely to be killed by an intimate partner than men. Women ages 20 to 24 are at greatest risk of becoming victims of domestic violence. Every year, 1 in 3 women who is a victim of homicide is murdered by her current or former partner. The domestic violence related offenses rates for Pierce County and Tacoma are among the highest in the  State. More troubling is the fact that the rate of DV fatalities in Pierce County far exceeds comparable counties, and it is estimated that around 10, 000 households are affected by domestic violence in any given year. The definition of a DV fatality refers to a death that arises from an abuser’s efforts to assert power and control over an intimate partner. These include all homicides in which the victim was a former or current partner of the person responsible for the homicide(s) of people other than the intimate partner that occurred in the context of intimate person violence or in the midst of a perpetrator’s attempt to kill an intimate partner. The YWCA, Pierce County serves a diverse client population. In the 2012-2013 annual report, the YWCA, Pierce County reported working with over 6,000 plus clients in some capacity and experiencing 5,473 crisis hotline calls. Providers reported from these calls, there is greater representation of clients from populations of color with the highest numbers from the African American and Hispanic communities. Additionally, the YWCA states that a higher number of clients in any given DV related program (e.g. prevention, shelter residents, etc.) are non-Caucasian. On average, clients from minority groups have limited English proficiency and some are undocumented individuals and for a few programs working in the Hispanic communities, the majority of these clients fit these characteristics. Some providers report a growing number in different populations. A number of providers state that there is an increase in the number of Latina clients served, as well as individuals with language barriers. There is also an indication of the emergence of newer ethnic populations such as Middle Eastern and East African individuals in the client population. Specific programs tend to work with some specific segments of the population. For example, the Korean Women’s Association tends to work with a high proportion of Asian Women such as Korean, Vietnamese and Cambodian clients, while organizations such as Tacoma Community House and Centro Latino deal with a larger Hispanic population. On average, it is reported that The YWCA Pierce County also has a percentage of clients from military families. The YWCA has partnered with JBLM (Joint base Lewis-McCord) to provide assistance to meet the needs for our military both on and off base. The  YWCA, Pierce County is the first organization in the county and state to also provide services that include the LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer/ questioning) community. At the YWCA, no client is ever turned away. If the YWCA is unable to provide a client with a service that may be required, the organization will do their very best to provide referrals to better meet the needs o f the client or individual who is calling in. Below is a table that illustrates the services provided and the demographics of clients that are served. This data is derived from the 2012-13 Annual Report. Beginning in 2010, the YWCA Pierce County offered shelter that included private kitchens and restrooms to clients and their children. The shelter also begin to accept male clients in 2012.The shelter caters to safety, privacy, dignity and basic needs of clients for no more than 90 days. During this time in shelter, clients are able to utilize individual case management, counseling and education, children’s services, support groups and a 24 hour on-site advocacy. Having a shelter that addresses such comprehensive needs enable clients to build a foundation for lives that are void of violence. What sets the YWCA shelters apart from most communal ones is that the Indi dual apartments provide clients and their children private areas to heal, reflect and grow. Because of their pet friendly policy, the YWCA pierce County is also one of the few shelters in the country that is recognized by the American Humane Association. The 24-hour Crisis Hotline offers clients the ability to safety plan. Loved ones and friends who may be concerned for DV victims and are looking for solutions will also be provided with resources to help. Following initial screening and paperwork, the individual meets immediately with a trained advocate, who performs a needs assessment to determine which services the clients require and need. Services are client driven, which means only what the individual indicates that they are interested in. The most common immediate needs are (1) applying for protection orders and (2) shelter/housing. Subsequently, a needs and danger assessment are performed  during the time that the individual is receiving services. It is imperative to understand a little about the trajectory of services that clients seek from the YWCA. Clients may be referred from a variety of sources (i.e. law enforcement, friends, family, online searches, medical offices, mental health or substance abuse counselors, court r eferrals, CPS, etc.). The YWCA Pierce County resource center offers community members drop-in, crisis intervention that is based on site as well as referral services. Clients who call-in or walk in are able to receive assistance with referrals to programs that are available at the YWCA as well as other community resources. Clients who are victims of domestic violence are able to call the business line for free legal representation and/or advocacy. Women and their children who are seeking safety and self-reliance are given free assistance with protection orders, dissolution of marriage, parenting plans, child support, custody issues, parentage action, immigration and safety planning. There is also full interpretive services available to non-speakers of the English Language. Another notable exception about the YWCA, is besides legal advocates, this organization has a dedicated staff attorney available to provide representation in civil matters. The YWCA provides individual counseling to both adult clients and their children. This service is also made available to shelter resident, clients participating in other YWCA DV programs, as well as the general community. Weekly facilitated groups are offered to provide a means of healing and therapy for clients who are wanting to deal and overcome the abuse and trauma they have experienced. Participants are educated about the dynamics of healthy relationships and how to develop and rebuild self-esteem. Support groups occur at the same time as children’s groups to prevent childcare issues to become a possible barrier. Since relocating and expanding the shelter in 2010, the YWCA serves children throughout Pierce Country, rather than just clients from the shelter. The Children’s program equips children with tools to promote healthy relationships. Children receive food, clothing, group therapy and are taught safety planning. They are also able to participate in special events and  field trips and these robust based activities are planned specifically according to the different age groups. YWCA’S purpose here is to assist children who have been subjected to violence and trauma to be able to develop healthy minds and bodies and give them a chance at a stable childhood which would transition into adulthood. When clients and their children escape violent and abusive relationships, the biggest issues and complications faced are sudden homelessness. Family Permanency Project Housing is a long term housing program that offers families affordable housing while being supported by individual case management. Client who participate in this program are able to set and work towards goals that are specific to their individual family needs. It is estimated that violence occurs in 1 out of 5 teen relationships. The Teen Dating Violence Prevention curriculum aims to educate high school and middle school youth about the issues of power and control that could lead to abuse in relationships. The curriculum that is provided in schools around Pierce County educates youth on warning signs, safety tips and available community resources for participants. The YWCA, like most non-profit organizations derives its effectiveness through a large number of community volunteers that serve clients in a myriad of ways. These individuals who give of their resources (time, donations, money, and talent) are helping to change lives through their selfless giving. The organization partners with other agencies to provide a more comprehensive level of service to meet the needs of clients. Some of their community partners include the Tacoma Community House, Korean Women’s Association, United Way, Crystal Judson Family Center, Joint Base Lewis McChord, Exodus Housing and Sexual Assault Center of Pierce County, among others. There is a variety of cultural competence needed to serve a diverse population of clients that either call or walk in to the YWCA. Because these individuals are coming from different cultural backgrounds, they may face economic struggles, have gender identity struggles and issues, are dealing with discrimination, stress and trauma, or any other issues from the spectrum of human services conditions, the daily practice of using  culturally centered communication skills are critical to making effective interaction and assistance possible. Cultural minded helpers in any given situation will attend to the demeanor and other aspects of culture, including paying close attention to their own verbal and non- and verbal communication and being very sensitive to the needs of the clients that they interact with. There are clear challenges that emerge in working with clients who have difficulty speaking and understanding English, particularly in helping these individuals navigate the legal system and getting them connected to appropriate support resources. While some agency advocates can help with basic translation/interpretation concerns for victims in need, many comment on the additional complexity of working with these individuals, even when they share the same language. There is also the belief among providers of the need to address these barriers even at the broader community level. One sentiment is that the work with non- English English speaking client, even with an interpreter present can take more time and it is more intensive. Here it is very important to proceed through a series of steps with these individuals by being patient, non-judgmental, building trust and rapport with those from different cultural backgrounds and ethnicities. Another personal competency that should be addres sed is the ability to manage your own personal biases especially in dealing with clients who may have a completely different belief, lifestyle or sexual orientation. Because the YWCA caters to the LGBTQ community, it is very important to be particularly sensitive to this community who have experienced a great deal of discrimination, prejudices and even violent crimes because of their orientation. For the pat week, I was fortunate to be able to attend the spring 2014 Domestic Violence Victims Services Training at the YWCA, Pierce Country. This training enabled me to get a better perspective on the domestic violence issues that is plaguing the community. I learned so much about professionalism, communication, cultural competencies, and the needs of clients as well as the organization as a whole. I was deeply impressed.  One of the things that really hit me was that the Programs at the YWCA have been specifically catered to be culturally competent because of such a diverse population of clients that come through their doors every day. The staff there truly seem to care about the clients that they interact with. They take their commitment to ending domestic violence and empowering clients very seriously. The YWCA does not practice the hierarchical management system. The CEO is very caring and interacts with the staff at a very personal level. This is a dynamic group of professionals and individuals who are dedicated, possess a lot of empathy, they are conscientious, genuine and have a synergistic energy. Because most agencies will experience burn out at one time or another, it is very important to practice good self-care. The YWCA Pierce Country has a work culture within their agency that emphasizes the importance of self-care, well-being that trranslagtes positively to how they interact and take care of their clients. As I mentioned, I learned so much and developed a great deal of respect for the Director and Education manager who presented some of the classes and training material. The training manager who is also in charge of community outreach was such an inspiration to me. She has taught me that if you do not have a deeper understanding of the barriers that clients are facing, then you are not able to meet their needs in the best way possible. She goes on to say that we cannot go out into the community to provide services or training in social justice if we are not able to first examine our own motives, beliefs and biases that exist within ourselves. I hope to be able to complete my internship at the YWCA, Pierce County and perhaps accept a position in the future with this wonderful organization. I believe they have a made a deep and positive impact on my life.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Submit a report to the Directors of USPS diagnosing the state of Assignment

Submit a report to the Directors of USPS diagnosing the state of affairs and offering some prognosis on what might be a more sustainable business model - Assignment Example proud tradition in which the roots of the agency can be traced back to 1775 when the agency was formed for providing postal services on the pre independence era of America. Currently, the USPS is the largest Federal and civilian employer in the country with more than 600,000 direct and on direct employees working for the organization. The contribution and impacts of the USPS can be prominently noted in the society of America. However, in the current times, the USPS as an organization is facing a number of challenges and is showing declining revenues and financial performances at the end of every financial year. Thus, the threat of solvency for the agency has been raised which makes it necessary to analyze the root cause of the depleting competitiveness and efficiency of the organization and to find out ways in which the sustainability of the organization as a value adding agency in the country can be ensured. This report is prepared with the aim of identifying the main reasons that have driven the current low performing state of the USPS and suggesting suitable recommendations and strategies that may enable the agency to regain its position in the market. For this purpose, the product market conditions, the capital market conditions, the external environment of the agency and the challenges faced by the agency are evaluated along with a comparison drawn to another very successful postal agency, the Royal Mail Services in the United Kingdom. The unique feature of the legal and regulatory environment in which the USPS operates is also studied in the report. The strategic business model of the USPS is analyzed and the ways in which modifications can be made to the business model to negate the challenges for the agency are proposed. The business model of any organization or agency comprises of the financial and corporate strategies, philosophies of the organization and the resources and capabilities of the organization. The ways in which a company competes and

Friday, September 27, 2019

Assignment prompt Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

Prompt - Assignment Example Conflict is an essence of the plot. Conflict in a story builds the climax. The stories, â€Å"Two Kinds† and â€Å"Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?† encompass a struggle, both external as well internal, at the centre of their plots. â€Å"Two Kinds† displays a struggle of a girl and more precisely, a quest for self identity. â€Å"Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?† captivates a struggle in Connie’s life. The external conflict of Connie is with the society and family. Connie’s odd terms with her family and her mother in particular explains the same. But her internal conflict is severe and with the open ending of the story, it does not get resolved. Joyce actually keeps enough space for the readers to think about the conflicts and the respective resolutions in their own terms. In the story â€Å"Two Kinds†, the climax appears when the final quest for all the attempts to become the piano star starts to come true before Jingmei. The onset of the events preceding the predicament forms the climax of the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Health Psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Health Psychology - Essay Example through the use of a certain medium. Communication may be done in a conscious or in a subconscious level and either intentionally or unintentionally. This process requires a vast range of skills such as speaking, observing, questioning, analyzing, and evaluating (Barnlund, 1968). Several models have been made regarding communication. One of these models is the Shannon and Weaver’s model or the Transmission Model of Communication. The following flowchart shows the basic premise of the model and its flow of communication. The information source produces the message and is then encoded into signals for message transmission. The channel is the media through which the message is sent. Through the process of message sending, some noise is present causing the message to be seen differently by the receiver. The receiver decodes the message sent and once it is decoded, it is deemed as having arrived to its final destination (Shannon & Weaver, 1949). In this model, the source or the one who delivers the message encodes the message via a channel which the receiver decodes. This model simply shows that the source communicates about the topic he/she is knowledgeable and his/her message is formed with a specific content, elements, treatment, structure and code. All these are delivered via a channel, which is comprised of the receiver’s sense and are decoded by the receiver (Berlo, 1960). All models of communication try to explain the basic flow and process of communication. In all models of communication, it shows that communicating is a two way process wherein both the sender and the receiver takes part. A physician’s communication skills play a great role in a patient-physician relationship. In fact, good communication has always been important in medical practice and is the keystone for patient-physician relationships. Communication is the main means for physicians to interact with their patients. Certain traits of communication allow trust

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Answering history questions Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Answering history questions - Term Paper Example The Soviets would dominate Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania; Britain would control Greece; Yugoslavia would be shared by both countries. The country which was NOT mentioned at all in the bargain was Finland, of vital importance to Stalin. (3pts) 6. By early November, 1944, the Red Army, after victories in Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, reached the gates of Budapest, Hungary. Hungarian and German troops mounted a savage defense of the city; capitulation came in February 1945. (3pts) 7. ___(C)_____ Select the letter which represents the accurate chronology?(a. Failed coup against Hitler , Soviet recognition of the Polish â€Å"Lublin† or communist government , Allied capture of Cherbourg, Allied capture of Rome, Operation Overlord b. Allied Capture of Cherbourg, Allied Capture of Rome, Operation Overlord, Failed coup against Hitler, Soviet recognition of the Polish â€Å"Lublin† or communist government c. Operation Overlord , Allied Capture of Cherbourg , Failed coup against Hitler, Soviet recognition of Polish â€Å"Lublin† or communist government d. Allied capture of Rome , Operation Overlord, Allied Capture of Cherbourg, Failed coup against Hitler, Soviet recognition of the Polish â€Å"Lublin† or communist government. The airborne operation emerged mainly as a result of the 1944 operation overlord’s success, as well as the consequent Battle of Normandy. The worsening of the allied supply phenomenon and the increasing rivalries and conflicts during the time, called for the formation of an airborne solution. A number of reasons can be attributed to the failure of the Operation Market garden. Such reasons include poor planning, lack of proper and sufficient machinery, lack of enough aircrafts, errors in decision making, the destruction of the railway-bridge, harsh weather conditions, technical problems that, for example, resulted into poor communication, and generally, the overly optimistic

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Only for Expert in Public Administration (Texas), (comprehinsive exam) Assignment - 3

Only for Expert in Public Administration (Texas), (comprehinsive exam) III part - Assignment Example These leaders should also have the ability to be patient and tolerate wide range of consultative exercise to represent and adjudicate effectively on laws that they fully comprehend. Above all, these leaders are suppose to be sober minded so as to allow for rational, objective, and impartial contribution during debates for which laws and legalities are enacted. Local governments are normally in charge of providing services to the public and this is more pronounced in the major urban areas than in rural areas. Among the services that are offered by the local authority includes; provision of packing places, general hygiene in towns which involves collecting and safe disposing of the waste, provision of cemeteries, maintenances of the street lights are some of the major services that are offered by the local government (Rabin, Hildreth, & Miller, 1998). It will be in agreement then that for the provision of these services to take place, there must be funding for the local authority thus some of the sources of funding for the local authority includes; One of the major sources of funds for the local government is the tax collection charged on the provision of services like car parking, land rates, sign post rates, and collection for garbage dispose among others (Rabin, Hildreth, & Miller, 1998). Local authorities also do collection of their revenue from licensing of businesses within their areas of jurisdiction, business permits and receipts issues for major function held in their areas of control are charged. Local authorities can also organize recreation facilities for the public, these includes; children recreation centers, pubs, restaurants and meeting places. Finally, local authorities can also be given fund directly\y from the central government in event that they want do major undertakings like construction of major roads within the town (Rabin, Hildreth, & Miller, 1998). This is the most fundamental part of driving the agenda of any forma l organization. The

Monday, September 23, 2019

Assault on women Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Assault on women - Essay Example This is because the victims of assault, either women or girls are in most cases not willing to report the perpetrators and in other cases they dont show signs of abuse. This is usually due to the social norms of a said society or the dependence that these women have on the men who victimize them. Taking India as an example, the society as well as the economic dependence that women have on men have allowed men to continue discriminating and abusing women and girls. Reports have been made of women been assaulted to the point of death in some Indian communities that have raised several questions concerning the protection of women rights by the law. This paper will discuss some of these inhuman assaults to women that have been taking place and still go on even at this age. The issue of rape is the most disturbing and prevalent form of assault against women. With cases of rape around the world rising, this has become a problem in most societies and the victims are innocent women and girls. Taking the example of Canada, the number of women that reported having been sexually assaulted in 2009 were a staggering 472,000. As mentioned in the introduction, this number could be greater since this figure only counts for the self-reported victims. Statistics shows that most of the victims are women of ages between 15 and 24. This problem has proven difficult to curb for women, in most cases, lack the confidence to talk about the traumatic events that they go through such as rape (Renzetti, 2011). With rapes case being reported to happen almost everywhere, be it at homes, streets or workplaces, women have been left insecure and almost powerless. Gang rape is an even worse for victims since some have been reported to die after such horrible experiences or suffere d irredeemable trauma. Another form of assault that is close associated with rape is physical abuse. Most rape cases follow as a

Sunday, September 22, 2019

National federation of independent business vs. sebelius(2012) Essay

National federation of independent business vs. sebelius(2012) - Essay Example The exchange provides individuals and families with low income,at a certain poverty rate, an opportunity to receive the government subsidy towards purchases made in the exchange. In addition, minimum health insurance policy standards are established by the law. There were two major issues that formed the basis for the case and onto which the involved parties laid their claims. The first issue involved the constitutional validity of the Congressional law requiring the states to make a choice between losing Medicaid funding from the federal government and upholding the Obamacare (National Federation of Independent Business vs. Sebelius, 2012). On the other hand, the second issue involves the constitutionality of the Congressional law that pushes for the obtaining of health insurance by all citizens and imposing penalties for those who fail to comply (National Federation of Independent Business vs. Sebelius, 2012). In reference to the first provision of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which requires all states to adhere to the Medicaid expansion parameters or experience withdrawal of the Medicaid funding, the 10th Amendment is violated. According to the court, as much as the unconstitutionality of the mechanism is evident, the courts only solution is redaction of the penalty to allow for free choice among the states concerning establishment of the proposed exchange without being treated with loss of the Medicaid funding (National Federation of Independent Business vs. Sebelius, 2012). As such, the court maintained that the unconstitutional coerciveness of the provision that withheld the federal grant was clear and evident. With reference to commerce clause, the ACT is unjustified. The court has never allowed the Congress to purchase a given product mandatory by utilizing its power to control commerce between states. As such, there ought to be an item of regulation for the regulation of intersta te commerce by the congress to be possible. On the

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Business Studies Easter Project Essay Example for Free

Business Studies Easter Project Essay Introductinon As you probably already know Asda is one of the leading food superstores in Britain today. Asda is part of the Wal-Mart group however before this Asda was on its own. Asda has been part of the Wal-Mart retailers since 1999. Asda was formed in 1965 by a group of farmers from Yorkshire, today Asda has 245 stores, with 19 depots across the U.K. Asdas aim is to sell its products 10-15% cheaper than its main competitors. Asda sells a variety of products including fresh food, grocery, clothing, home, leisure and entertainment goods. In my report I have gained my information form the Asda website and I also interviewed the store manager of the Asda store in Longsight. In my report I will discuss the following performance indicators: Labour Turnover, Labour Productivity, Absenteeism and the Morale of workers. Performance of Company Asda has recently been valued at being worth à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½1.3 billion, which includes all its assets. Anyway I think that it will be too complicated to discuss the performance indicators on such a large scale. This is why I am going to just concentrate on the performance of the Asda store in Longsight. When I asked Sue (the manager) if labour turnover was high, she replied by saying that it is an average level. (i.e. not too high and not too low). I then said to her that this must mean that staff must feel demotivated and therefore leave. She replied by saying that it was because they employed a lot of young students and this was the reason for a lot of people leaving because they couldnt fit the shifts in with their work. I believe that this means that although labour turnover is high, it is not an extremely bad point. When we discussed the labour productivity of the workers, she said that the staff, work very hard in every department whether it is the deliveries, clothing, music or work on the checkout. Many products were sold in each department but obviously some were sold much more than others. The labour productivity really determines how many products are sold, as items are obviously not being produced at the store they are being sold there. She also mentioned that everyday there are at least 2 people who are around the store to just help customers or provide tasters of foods. I believe that this helps to increase productivity, because customers may feel more welcome and more sales may be made. I then asked what the turnover of the store was each day. Sue replied by saying that on the weekends they generally make more money and she said that last Saturday they had a turnover of approximately à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½500,000. I believe that this clearly shows that labour productivity is high at the Asda store in Longsight. I then went on to talk about absenteeism. Sue said that this was generally low without any notice, and that there were hardly any people who didnt give notice when they were going to have a day off. But she also said that absenteeism was a good point because it gives workers a change because they can swap shifts with one another. I agree and believe absenteeism with notice is not so bad. Sue said the the morale of workers was generally high. She said that staff were paid at a time rate starting from à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½4.15 per hour. The following incentives could be motivating factors for the staff at Asda: Tell the team- putting your ideas across Stars- can be cashed in for gifts. ABCD- A certificate for dedicated workers. Bonus payments- for reaching certain targets Share plan Private Healthcare Discount on new cars Travel insurance Staff Discount Card I believe that the following incentives will make workers feel motivated. This is because it makes the workers feel that they are being recognised and that there work is appreciated. It is not only the financial incentives that are important for motivation. It is also for example the certificate for working hard which could motivate. And even the fact that workers can put their ideas across, which may make them feel a real part of the company. There are some improvements that could be made to the performance indicators. Firstly as we know labour turnover at the Longsight store is at an average level as many workers are students. We can solve this problem by allowing the shifts to fit in with the workers education, by offering them certain shifts. And then there is the labour productivity which is already very high, so I believe that this should just be kept at a constant level. And workers should just continue with the good work. Absenteeism is a problem when the workers dont come into work without any notice. To solve this problem I believe that managers should phone up absent workers to see where they are. And if they persist in not coming into work then this must mean that they feel demotivated, so managers should try to find out what the problem is. I know that the incentives that Asda offers are very good, but I generally believe that managers should talk to their staff a little more and just give them general assurance that they are doing the job in the right way and to show that their work is appreciated. Conclusion I believe that as Asda is worth over à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½1.3 billion this must mean that they are not going too wrong. And another fact that shows that Asda is doing well is that it was voted the best company to work for in the year 2000 by the Times Newspaper. And in 2001 it was also voted supermarket of the year.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration Essay

Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration Essay Cellular respiration and photosynthesis are critical in the continued cycle of energy to sustain life as we define it. Both have several stages in which the creation of energy occurs, and have varied relationships with organelles located within the eukaryotic cell. The processes are the key in how life has evolved and become as diverse as we know it. Although cellular respiration and photosynthesis have different processes, they are interdependent upon each other, while exhibiting complementary cycles. Cellular respiration by itself refers to the process of drawing energy from food and organic molecules for use. This is done by several reactions that are dependent upon each other. Similar to breathing, whereas as humans inhale oxygen, and exhale carbon dioxide, the process of cellular respiration is the exchange of oxygen to help break down the fuel which is defined as an aerobic process. This process is done by cells exchanging gases with its surroundings in order to create adenosine triphosphate (commonly references as ADT), which ultimately is used by the cells as a source of energy. This process is done through several reactions and is thus an example of a metabolic pathway. In a significantly simplified expression, in cellular respiration chemical energy that comes from fuel molecules is converted into ADP. ADP is then joined with a phosphate, which then converts into ATP, the energy currency of cells. When ATP is consumed or spent by the cells, it releases another phosphate, when will then join with ADP again, to renew the cycle. This entire cycle can be identified by three main stages: glycolysis, the citric acid cycle, and the electron transport. The metabolic pathway that forms within the cytosol is defined as Glycolysis. During this state, one of the molecules of glucose divides into two molecules of pyruvate, which is occurs within the cytoplasmic fluid. To do this a glucose molecule breaks in half to create two three-carbon molecules by using ATP molecules. The newly split carbon molecules then provide electrons to NAD+ to form NADH, and simultaneously creating four additional ATP molecules. Afterwards the pyruvic acid will then lose a carbon molecule, changing into Acetic acid and beginning the citric acid cycle, in which the glucose is further broken down to CO2, an unneeded product, essentially waste. Afterwards, the enzymes used in this process dissolve within the mitochondria, in effect recycling on a molecular level. NADH is generated as the fuel oxidizes. Following that, CoA is created as each of the remaining acetic acid molecules attach to molecules named coenzyme A and then are delivered to the first reaction of the citric acid cycle. It is at this point that the CoA is removed and then recycled to re-attach to another acetic molecule all over again. While in this cycle, the acetic acid combines with additional carbon molecules to become citric acid. Each time one of these molecules starts the cycle as fuel two additional co2 molecules are Wasted. This process is done once for each glucose molecule. The third stage in this process is the electron transport. During this phase, electrons obtained by the reactions completed in the first two stages travel down transport chains to oxygen. Within the inner membrane of the mitochondria is where the proteins and molecules that are the essence of this chain are located. This transport process is where the majority of the energy released creates ATP. A small amount of ATP is also created during the first two stages as well. ATP is the key to this entire process, as certain amounts of it are created in every step, and simultaneous also spent in each step as well. This creates a self-sustaining cellular cycle of energy production and use. Photosynthesis is similar to cellular respiration, in that it is a process of obtaining energy. However, while cellular respiration is completed through animals (and some plants) by converting food and organic molecules to energy, photosynthesis is the process of converting energy from light sources, namely the sun, into chemical energy for plants, algae, and some bacterias. Photosynthesis is a process that occurs within organelles called chloroplasts. These organelles are able to absorb light, and are located inside of leaves. Within the leaf are tiny pores defined as stomata, in which carbon dioxide can enter, and oxygen can exit, the reverse process that in which most animals breathe. Just like animals, the process of photosynthesis needs water, although rather than ingested, water is absorbed through the plants roots and carried up to the leaves. The stomata is perhaps the most critical piece to this process, as this is where CO2 enters and can be stored, and where water and O2 e xit. Almost a reverse of what cellular respiration exhibits; photosynthesis combines carbon dioxide molecules and water obtained from its roots, and captures light energy to start the chemical process in which it creates energy and its byproducts. Its waste byproducts include that of glucose, and oxygen gas which exits from the leaves. These wastes are what cellular respiration needs to function, thus completing the life cycle almost perfectly. During photosynthesis light energy is chemically changed to bond with carbohydrate molecules that then get converted into ATP molecules and the energy within the ATP molecules is able to then be spent to allow the process to repeat continually and simultaneously within the cells. This entire process is done in two stages, the light reactions, and the Calvin cycle. In the first step, the light reactions phase, solar energy is absorbed in the membranes of chlorophyll and chemically changed into ATP and the electron carries NADPH. Water is divided after the electrons are removed from NADP+ which creates NADPH, and oxygen is wasted in a gaseous form. After this is completed, the Calvin cycle begins. During the Calvin cycle phase, the results of the light reactions give the cells the energy to create fuel or sugar from the carbon dioxide. Using ATP it is able to synthesize sugar and the enzymes responsible which get absorbed within the stoma inside the chloroplast. Every time this cycle is complete, sugar is produced, as well as NADP+, and some ADP with an additional phosphate group, these in turn combine with H2O and start the light reactions phase, starting the cycle anew. Both cellular respiration and photosynthesis rely on key organelles within the eukaryotic cell in order to complete these tasks. There are some differences in the way living creatures and plants and fungi go about obtaining energy, and thus use certain organelles located within the eukaryotic cell. For example, although the mitochondria is where pyruvates enter to begin the cellular respiration process for obtaining energy, it can easily be perceived that plants have no need to possess such an organelle, as their conversion from light to energy is done through photosynthesis with chlorophyll. Although most living creatures are unable to go through the chemical process of photosynthesis, plants exhibit both processes at the same time. There are several important points that these processes deal with in order to maintain the balance of life within our ecosystem. The processes of photosynthesis and cellular respiration are extremely interconnected as they both provide energy that is used by plants, and recycle each others waste for use. With a massively broad simplification example, humans inhale oxygen to keep their cells alive, and through cellular respiration, exhale what is wasted carbon dioxide. Plants on the other hand absorb carbon dioxide, and through both its process of photosynthesis converting light into energy chemically and during the process of cellular respiration, waste oxygen which is then recycled by other plants and humans to begin the process anew. This complementary reaction is what globally helps sustain life on many different levels. As learned through the efforts contributed by Darwin however, cells will evolve based on the needs to the environment in order to survive. The majority of plants are able to go about the process of photosynthesis and draw CO2 directly from the air, however, is some extremely hot and dry climates, or even cold climates, different methods increase the plants chance for survival, and allow it the ability to continue to produce oxygen for life to exist. Before the Calvin cycle can start, some plants, so categorized for their process, have different methods of dealing with carbon. C4 plants keep their stomata closed depending on the weather conditions, and have additional enzymes to help continually incorporate carbon into their processes continually. CAM plants already extremely used to dry areas only allow their stomata to open at certain times of the day, typically at night to absorb Co2, and are able to processes the Calvin cycle throughout the rest of the times the stomata is closed. Both of these examples show how plants have fully adapted to an environment which would otherwise be disruptive to the chemical reactions plants go through to create energy and oxygen. Natural selection has ensured that they are able to still make food and provide the benefit of food and air to other living creatures. Both cellular respiration and photosynthesis have similar goals and cycles with different chemical results. Complementing each other, they allow carbon based life forms the necessary energy required to function, and with the waste produced from both processes, enable a greenhouse effect in which one can benefit from the other continuously.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Purpose and Power of Language Essay -- Research Essays Term Papers

The Purpose and Power of Language If you are fluent in a language, you probably don't give much thought to your ability to interact with others, to understand and be understood in your world. But what would happen if you lost your voice? Or if suddenly the language skills you have, that is your ability to read, write, and speak, were no longer sufficient to allow you to understand television and newspapers or to tell a waitress what you wanted to eat or a doctor what was wrong with you? What if your language actually caused others to discriminate against you? I suspect your perception of the importance of language would undergo a pronounced change. Recently, I had an experience with language deprivation when I had laryngitis. The three days I was without my voice were frustrating, interminable, and evidence of the power and purpose of language. Early in her essay, "Mother Tongue," Amy Tan discusses this power of language. She writes, "it can evoke an emotion, a visual image, a complex idea, or a simple truth" (26). Though at times, I could whisper, people had difficulty hearing and understanding me, and I couldn't write my thoughts down quickly enough to meaningfully converse with others. In short, my lack of voice impaired my ability to express myself and to communicate and indeed participate in my world. Moreover, language, the combination of specific words in a particular order, not only empowers individuals to participate as members of a designated community, it is also a fundamental key in enabling individuals to establish and define the dimensions of their identity. Language is the impetus that empowers individuals to forge ties that bind into a community, thus giving them personal, social, or cultural identificat... ... Language is many things: the arrangement of words in a particular order, uttered in a certain way, denoting certain meaning, a political instrument which evokes images and emotion. Certainly, all of this is a description of the purpose and function of language. But at its most fundamental, language is quite simply the expression of self and the ability to share that expression with others. Baldwin and Tan both highlight the importance of language: to be without language is to be voiceless, and to be voiceless is to silence the song of the self. Works Cited Baldwin, James. "If Black English Isn't a Language, Then Tell Me, What is?" Across Cultures. Eds. Sheena Gillespie and Robert Singleton. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1999. 128-131. Tan, Amy. "Mother Tongue." Across Cultures. Eds. Sheena Gillespie and Robert Singleton. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1999. 26-31.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Cortes :: essays research papers

Hernan Cortes was born in Medellin, Extre Madura in 1485. Hernan was only a petite 5’ 4'; but he made up for his height disadvantage with courage and determination.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Cortes studied law in Spain but then he decided to come over to the Americas. Upon his arrival he joined force with velazquez to conquer Cuba. They did and in 1511 he became the mayor of Cuba. Cortes in 1519 persuaded Velaquez (governor) to allow an expedition to Mexico. Velazquez was skeptical but approved the trip anyway. So Cortes was of to Mexico with six-hundred men and twenty horses. Hernan sailed along the Yucatan and landed in Tabasco. Here he learned of Montezuma II and the Aztecs. During this time Cortes found a mistress named Marina. She helped as an interpreter, guide and counselor for the Spainards. Cortes then established a town, Veracruz. Here he removed the authority of Velaquez . He also burnt the ships which had brought them to prevent people from returning.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hernan Cortes and his men marched for weeks to reach the acclaimed Tenochtitlan. On his way he met up with the Tlaxcalanc who formed an alliance with him against the Aztecs. In November of 1519, Cortes finally reached the Aztec capital, Tenochtitlan. Upon his arrival the Axtecs believed Cortes and the Spainards were the return of Quetzalcoatl. Quetzalcoatl was the axtec god-king who was light skinned, bearded, and would return from the east. All of these descriptions fitted Hernan. Hence, the Spainards were treated lavishly and roamed freely throughout the city. During this time the Spainish found a lot of gold stored throughout the city. Even with the lavish treatment the Spainish were receiving they still captured Montezuma II. Meanwhile, Velaquez, in Cuba dispatches Narvaez and to get Cortes for treason. Hernan hears of the news and goes to the coast to meet Narvaez. Cortes then persuades Narvaez and his troops to join him inn the conquests of the Aztecs. Upon his return to Tenochtitlan the Aztecs had revolted. Montezuma tells his people not to revolt, by the force of Cortes. Montezuma is stoned tree days later by his people. The Spainiards were then driven out on the famous Noche Triste in June of 1520.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Symbolism of the Forest in the Scarlet Letter

Symbolism of the Forest in The Scarlet Letter In The House of Seven Gables, Nathaniel Hawthorne once wrote, â€Å"For what other dungeon is so dark as one’s own heart! What jailer so inexorable as one’s self! † Hawthorne asserts that every individual becomes a hostage of his or her own heart. This idea is displayed throughout The Scarlet Letter to portray how Puritans lived under the constant repression of the Puritan society. Puritan society lived by laws that allowed no means of freedom or happiness and kept their citizens under a strict moral law code.The Puritan civilization imprisons members of society to the point where they are crying out for freedom. Therefore, hostages of his or her own heart embark on a journey to free themselves. This is displayed continuously in The Scarlet Letter through its use of the forest. In the novel the forest consists of multiple meanings. It serves as another world apart from the Puritan society, and it provides a haven in w hich people break free from the social order.Throughout The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne presents the forest as a symbolic figure to exemplify free will, bring forth the natural personalities of the characters, and to represent a dark civilization within the Puritan society. First, the forest is a symbol to epitomize free will in The Scarlet Letter by presenting the forest as a safe haven with no rules or individuals who scrutinize every action being made. Thus, the townspeople approach the forest to reign free with their desires and longings.For example, Hester longs to meet Dimmesdale and determines that the forest is the safest place as she is allowed to meet with him without the town knowing. As Hester and Dimmesdale greet each other, â€Å"†¦it was like the first encounter, in the world beyond the grave, of two spirits who had been intimately connected in their former life, but now stood coldly†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Hawthorne 198). For the first time in seven years they a re able to meet with each other in private without needing to worry about being caught. Surrounded by the twilight in the forest, Hester and Dimmesdale slowly start to open up to each other.They freely begin to talk about starting a new life with each other as a family, and Hester slowly starts to become blissful. Hawthorne’s purpose here is to display how the forest functions as a world of happiness and love, and so the forest’s role is to create a free world without any fear. The forest allows these two young lovers to freely reunite and be happy together. Where else, the rest of the novel surrounds itself in an aura of gloominess, this one scene in the novel permits Hester and Dimmesdale to be filled with love and joy.Also, during her conversation with Dimmesdale, Hester impulsively takes off the â€Å"A† upon her chest. It is the first and only time in the novel where Hester allows herself the freedom to remove the badge of shame. She â€Å"†¦heaved a long, deep sigh, in which the burden of shame and anguish departed from her spirit, oh exquisite relief! She had not known the weight, until she felt freedom! † (Hawthorne 211). The forest lets Hester choose whether she agrees with the Puritan society or if she is against it.Her action of taking the â€Å"A† off represents her choice in breaking apart from the Puritan civilization. The Puritans view the â€Å"A† as a symbol that represents what they deem to be right, and when Hester takes it off her chest she is breaking free from what society thinks about her. Hester’s courage to meet with Dimmesdale and the removal of the â€Å"A† represents how the forest exemplifies free will. Secondly, the forest also manages to bring out the natural personalities of the characters.One of the characters Hawthorne uses to demonstrate this is Pearl. To Pearl, the forest is her best friend, a place where she is truly accepted. Hawthorne states, â€Å"The truth se ems to be, however, that the mother-forest, and these wild things which it nourished, all recognized a kindred wildness in the human child† (Hawthorne 213). In the forest, Pearl can be as bright and joyful as she wishes because the forest acknowledges her for who she is- a moody, curious, care-free, innocent, and intuitive child who also happens to be a social outcast.The forest also brings out her personality because of her connection with nature. Pearl is the romantic character in the novel due to her personality traits. She enjoys life and is constantly curious about the unexplainable, such as the identity of her father and the â€Å"A† on her mother’s chest. In the forest, she is accepted as a friend by all the animals, and the light constantly chases her wherever she goes. The light represents truth and purity. It constantly surrounds Pearl because she is an innocent and also a child who had no doing in the in her parents committed. A second character who br ings forth their inner traits in the forest is Hester. Hawthorne uses the forest to give life to Hester and permits Hester to be herself again. She is first introduced as a beautiful, compassionate, and honest woman, but as the situation with the â€Å"A† becomes more grave Hester slowly starts to lose the characteristics she once possessed. After seven years of suffering humiliation and punishment, Hester covers her hair under a cap and her beauty and warmth are now hidden beneath the â€Å"A† on her chest.However upon her secret rendezvous with the reverend, Hester takes off the cap on her head and all at once the air about her gradually starts to change. She becomes the person she once was, and her â€Å"†¦ sex, her youth, her whole richness of her beauty, came back from what men call the irrevocable past, and clustered themselves, with her maiden hope, and a happiness before unknown, within the magic circle of this hour† (Hawthorne 212). She regains her sexuality, and not only does she become the person she was seven years ago, but symbolically, she removes the strict moral code of the Puritan society.Even though it is for a short period of time, the forest gives her the audacity to be herself again. The last character who brings forth their natural personality in the novel is Dimmesdale. He starts to regain himself in the forest upon his meeting with Hester, and for the first time in the novel, Dimmesdale is happy and optimistic. Just as Hester and Dimmesdale are conversing about their escape to restart their lives with Pearl, Dimmesdale begins to believe in happy endings and his concern for what society desires dissolves for a moment in the woods.The forest, in the end, brings out the natural individuality of the characters of Pearl, Hester, and Dimmesdale. Finally, the forest serves as a symbol to represent a dark civilization on the outskirts of the Puritan society. Hawthorne does this by presenting the readers with the story of the Black Man in the forest. All throughout the novel, the Black Man of the forest is mentioned at various points. The story of the Black Man represents a sense of superstition and true temptation in the novel.Pearl states that the Black Man is an interesting figure who â€Å"†¦haunts this forest, and carries a book with him- a big, heavy book, with iron claps; and how the ugly Black Man offers his book and an iron pen to everybody that meets him here among the trees†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Hawthorne 193). Symbolically, the Black Man represents the devil and writing one’s name in his book indicates submission to the devil and succumbing to sin. Hawthorne uses this story to display a darker world in the Puritan society and how certain characters are playing the devil’s advocate.It presents how another world filled with evil spirits and sin lies inside the Puritan society. Another example to signify the symbolism of the forest as a dark world inside the Puritan society i s with the character of Mistress Hibbins. She is known as the sister of Governor Bellingham and as the town witch. After Hester’s meeting with the Governor, Mistress Hibbins approaches Hester and inquires if she would like to join her in the forest at night. She asks, â€Å"Wilt thou go with us tonight?There will be a merry company in the forest; and I wellnigh promised the Black man that comely Hester Prynne should make come† (Hawthorne 12). This question illustrates the wickedness and secrecy of the forest. Mistress Hibbins clearly indicates the forest as the meeting place because there are no ears to listen to them chant their magic spells and nor are there eyes in the forest to scrutinize their actions. Hawthorne uses this scene to hint that there are supernatural qualities among individuals and the town.The forest demonstrates how it symbolizes the darkness within the Puritan society by using the Black Man of the forest and Mistress Hibbins. In the end, the signif icance of the forest in The Scarlet Letter is immense. The forest represents freedom and darkness hidden inside the Puritan society. It also allows the characters to become themselves again. As Hawthorne said in The House of Seven Gables, humans are the prisoners of his or her own heart and they seek escape from it. In The Scarlet Letter, the forest was the one place where any individual was allowed the opportunity to escape.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Importance of Accounting Ethics Essay

Ethics is a branch of philosophy that judge human beings on wrongs and rights concerned with the nature of value and the standards by which human actions can be judged .The term is also applied to any system or theory of moral values or principles. Accounting is the mechanism that offers information regarding the financial position of the organization or business. This type of information is critical to investors as it provides them with important and detailed information that could turn out to be the determining factor as to their decisions to invest or not to invest in a particular organization. Accounting in business is one of the most important departments. Ethical and professional accounting forms a clear financial image of a business, and allows managers to make informed decisions, keepsinvestors abreast of developments in the business, and keeps the business profitable. (Osanyin, 2008) In accounting, there is the professional ethics that guides the accounting profession. Accountants are expected to adhere to the set ethical standards which are designed to ensure that they behave in a way which is ethical and consistent. For most professional accounting organizations, accountants are certified in order to comply with ethics and they are stripped off their certificates if they fail to abide with ethical codes. Therefore, it is common to find unethical behavior in accounting profession. Some of the forms of unethical behavior in accounting are, Providing erroneous information regarding expenses incurred in business Giving out false information on expenses purposely is unethical. In accounting profession, the accountant should always provide the correct information regarding any expenses as failure to do so make the financial status of the business to be false. This affects the profit and loss reports of the business and consequently affecting the performance of the business in the long run. Exaggerating business revenue In accounting practices, all revenue in the business should be reported correctly as this can hurt investors in the company, the tax payers who may be caught up in governments bail outs and the workers at the company. By showing the correct revenue generated, this reflects the true financial position of the company. Misuse of business funds Accountants access most of the funds in the organization and it is unethical to misuse them. This can lead to the closure of the business and eventually leads to the loss of jobs and investments. Accountants should never misuse business funds and if they use it should be reported in the books of accounts and debited clearly. Some of the reasons why ethics is important in accounting are;- Confidentiality: People need to have confidence in accountants and the services they provide. Failure to do so leads to uncertainty in investors, shareholders and the work force in the organization. If the quality of the accounting is unprofessional this leads to low confidence with the stakeholders of the organization. Professional Competence: Ethics in accounting ensures that the accountants maintain professional knowledge and skills at the level required to ensure that a client or employer receives competent professional service. This is exhibited by acting diligently and in accordance with applicable technical and professional standards when providing professional services. So as to maintain law and regulations governing the accounting profession, accountants should always observe the professional ethics in their profession.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Organization and Management Analysis Essay

Organizational and management analysis are an essential part of organizational environment. In the modern world, working environment characteristics are team work, delegation, information technology interfaces, which have an impact on the effectiveness of organization and management. This helps in cost reduction, decrease in environmental waste, improved employee satisfaction and an increase in overall productivity. To have an organizational and management analysis review of organizational charts, meeting with department managers, executives or board members, and an organizational survey is necessary (Jones, 2006). A multi-dimensional examination of organizational and management analysis gives a complete picture of the actual situation which can be a starting point. This paper is to describe various organizational theories, compares management theories and styles, and explains which organizational theory and management style resembles our organization. Also, this paper explains what could be changed to make our organization better. Organizational Theories Organizational theory is to identify how they solve problems and how they maximize efficiency and productivity. These theories mostly derived from the activities of successful organizations. All of these theories contributes to the overall understanding of management. As in any other theories organizational theories provide the basis for ongoing research and application of human behavior in organizational settings. Classical Organizational Theory Focus on the theories of efficiency. The components include scientific management, bureaucratic theory, and administrative theory. Scientific management focus on getting the best from the people, equipment, and business. So that productivity can be increased. In this, the workers got scientifically selected, trained and taught for the work. On the other hand, bureaucratic theory focus on establishing a hierarchy, division of labor, rules, and regulations. In the current world, many of the managers think that bureaucratic theory is a hindrance to employees’ creativity. Administrative theory establishes a set of management principles and functions that applied to the organizations. This serves as a centralized  decision making approach (Coulter & Robbins, 2012). Neoclassical Organization Theory This theory emphasizes effective and sociopsychological aspects of human behaviors in an organization. As we see in many of the current organizations many of the managers motivate, lead, build trust, work with the team, manage conflicts is all based on the organizational performance approach. The way manager design jobs, work with the employees, the method of communication is general in the behavioral approach. Productivity increases in an environment with coherence of values and purpose. The key is to maintain equilibrium where subordinates respect and believe managerial authority (Chron, 2014). Contingency Theory This is a management approach that recognizes each organization as different, which means that each organization faces different situations and requires different ways of managing. This helps the management to understand that there are no universal rules for managers to follow. Instead of looking into the universal rules, the manager must look on to the individual situation and determine the best and efficient way to manage the situation ideally. Different changing circumstances require managers to use different approaches and techniques. There are no simple or complex rules to follow. Managers are able to take decisions based on the conditions (Coulter & Robbins, 2012). Systems Theory The system theory approach explains that organizations take information form the environment and transforms these resources into outputs into the environment. This theory explains the interrelatedness of all parts of an organization and how one change in one area can affect multiple other parts. In this, all the units work together to achieve the organizational goals. Organization depends upon inputs form capital, government regulations, suppliers, information technology, human resources, to receive the output of financial results, products, services and information (Liebler & McConnel, 2012). Organizational theory suits our Organization The organizational theory that closely resembles our organization is the  Contingency Theory. Adapting to the new changes in the environment is the basis for Contingency theory. This theory is important for managerial and organizational success. We have recently adopted Electronic Medical Records, and we are in the adaptation stage of information technology. Manager takes decision based on the current circumstances, which is logical because the units within our organization differ in size, structure, capacity, work activities, and goals. So a universally acceptable theory will not work in all situations. Different situations require different theories of management. Some situation the division of labor and bureaucracy is desirable which supports the classic theory. Other situations structural design becomes effective. Depends on the situation the manager takes the stand. Contingency theory claims that there is no best way to design an organization. There is no written rule on what is the best or the universal solution for the problems in our organization. There is no best way to organize a corporation or to lead a company. Also, the theory that works in our organization may not work for other organizations (Coulter & Robbins, 2012). Compares Management Theories and Styles Managers communication with the subordinates reflects a cluster of styles which the management styles. Managers use different style in different situations. Generally, we can see one style generally emerges as the predominant mode of interaction. Autocratic manager makes independent decisions without much input from subordinates. The manager clearly dictates what, how, when and where things for the employees there is no room for employee initiatives. An autocratic style is least effective and desirable for motivating employees. Another management style is the bureaucratic management style in which the manager follows the rule and ensures that the employees follow the rules â€Å"as well â€Å". They go by the book and the rules and enforced strictly. In this, the employees enjoy less freedom. No exceptions permitted. Participative management is which the manager makes the final decisions, but the employees are involved in this process. Both the manager and the employees involved in the decision making process. Decision made as a cohesive group interaction. Everyone might not accept managers decision. Another type is the Laissez-faire style in which the manager allows employees to manage their own work. No supervision provided. In this, the  individuals should be self-motivated. This can result in disorganization, chaos and lack of direction. Finally, in Paternalistic style the manager makes the decision to benefit the employees. Manager treats employees like children. In this style, the employees become dependent on their manager (Liebler & McConnell, 2012). Management Theory and Style suits our Organization In our organization, there is no one management style that fits to all situations. In my observation, the manager’s shifts form one style to another when they face different groups and situations. When it comes to the policies and procedures, in my observation it is bureaucratic style, top level managers are following autocratic management style, and my immediate manager has a participative style who consults with the employees for decision making. So far I have not encountered any Laissez-faire management style in our place. In the new hire orientation managers follow paternalistic style. For a successful manager, the management style depends on the given situation. If a work environment does not require any close supervision, the managers may select any styles. When employees are unskilled, autocratic style is most efficient. In the current world, changes impacts the manager’s task. It includes economic and political uncertainty, ethical issues, security threats, and changing technology. All these call for different management styles depends on the manager’s involvement. Changes towards Organizational Advancement Organizations deal with challenges in this worldwide economic climate, changing technology and increased globalization. A manager should understand the critical issues and use skills and abilities during challenging times in an organization. A great manager can change your life, encourage employees professionally and personally, energize people to overcome challenges and instill team spirit. Such a manager can make job enjoyable and productive. Manager should create an environment in which the organization members can work to the best of their abilities and think creatively. In order to make the organization better people should support, coach, and find meaning and fulfilment in work. Also have up-to-date information about the new innovative ideas. It is important to be competitive and sustain in the  business world. Develop the networking ability, communicate effectively and be sincere and genuine with others (Coutler & Robbins, 2012). Conclusion In conclusion as we have seen in any organizational performance, managerial ability is very important in creating organizational values. Different management theories and styles range from prohibiting staff from making any decisions to fully delegating the decision-making power. No management style is consistently effective. Situational factors should be taken into consideration in the selection of an effective and efficient management style. The study of organizational theories and management styles is essential in this modern organizational, working environment. References: Chron. (2014). Organizational Theory. Retrieved from http://http:www.smallbusiness.chron/organizational-theory. Coulter, M. & Robbins, S.P. (2012). Management. (11th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Jones, J. (2006). How to Analyze an Organizational Structure. Retrieved from Liebler, J.G. & McConnell C.R. (2012). Management Principles for Health Professionals. (6th ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Analysis of poem: Half Caste (1996) by John Agard Essay

Question: Analyse the poem ‘Half Caste’ (1996) written by poet – John Agard, about his perspective on the addressing of biracial individuals. In your answer, you should consider: * Influence of context in which the poem was written * The ideas brought out of the poem * The structure and rhyme maintained Answer: John Agard gives painful and poetic expression to the mixed race experience. He was of Portuguese-Caribbean descent and lived in British Guyana (now Guyana), before he moved to Britain. The reference is to half-caste from the Spanish word ‘casta’ (origin, group) and being made to feel half a human being. The poem begins in an apologetic tone, and the strangeness of his situation is shown by him standing on one leg as he does not feel a complete man. The poet uses various examples from the world of art and music and the world of nature to challenge this stereotyping. The repetition of the words ‘explain yurself’ shows the poet’s frustration. He wonders if inanimate objects can become half-caste – Picasso’s painting in which colours are mixed to create a half-caste canvas, Tchaikovsky’s music on a piano with black and white key create a half caste symphony. The world of nature provides striking examples. Light and shadow mix in the sky to create half-caste weather. England always has ‘half caste weather’. Even the clouds are half-caste – so thick and dark and mean that they block the rays of the sun. The clouds are personified to show the negative impact they have on the earth, preventing the sun rays from reaching. The mixing of contradictory features contributes to their beauty, and this implicitly implies that only in human beings, the mixing is negative. The second part of the poem is increasingly sarcastic. Even looks and actions, dreams and shadows can be half caste. The poet listens with half an ear, looks with half an eye, and offers half a hand. This means that his reaction to life and other people is half hearted. This half-life, half identity has even affected his dreams. This could symbolise goals, ambitions that are limited or restricted. He does not have any impact on the world or other lives because he is only a half-caste human being (as per his perspective). The final suggestion is for society is to look and hear deeply and sensitively, to look at a half-caste human being’s sorrow with critical, evaluative judgement. The result of such an approach will increase understanding because the poet will tell him the other half of his story that is now hidden. The poem is built of short lines of uneven length. The first three lines introduces the subject in an apologetic tone – â€Å"Excuse me† and concludes with a small stanza of three lines promising to communicate. The middle of the poem is dominated by enjambment because the poet’s pain overflows in one unbroken recital. The word ‘half-caste’ is repeated 10 times. The title is used as an adjective, a certain condition in which a person is made to feel inferior. The absence of an article in the title shows this. The music of the poem depends on the repetition of words. Towards the end, the word ‘half-caste’ is juxtaposed with the whole. The poet moves from physical sensation – eye, ear to the idea of deep thought and feeling. There is a greater assertion in the last stanza, suggested by the words ‘I will’. The poet speaks English with overtones of a Caribbean dialect called Patois (mainly spoken in Jamaica and Barbados) – â€Å"wha ya mean† repeated 4 times, de (the), dat (that), dem (them) etc. to show that he has half a language and is incomplete even in that area. The half caste has a vivid imagination and uses a variety of examples to prove Agard’s point. The style of the poem is a question – wha yu mean and this is followed by the explanation – you mean. Various symbols are used in the poem – keen half of mih ear, keen half of mih eye implies a desire to ignore the stereotyping and yet keenly be conscious of it. The ‘half-caste’ offers only half a hand to show how deep the resentment is. Turning people into half-caste is one of the greatest of social predicaments the world faces. The need is for equality, dignity and respect to be given to each human being, bringing the marginalised to the centre. The poem ‘Half-Caste’ depicts the anger, pain and fluctuation of emotion felt by Agard, when (rude) comments were addressed to him, directed at his mix of nationality. It also validates that addressing a person as ‘half-caste’ is cretinous and in the conclusion, the lines ‘But yu must come back tomorrow, wid de whole of yu eye, wid de whole of yu ear, wid de whole of yu mind, and I will tell yu de other half of my story’ shows he is willing to make amends with the commentators, if they only cease to treat him as half a human being.

Element Rubidium

Origin of name: from the Latin word â€Å"rubidius† meaning â€Å"dark red† or â€Å"deepest red†. Atomic Number:  37 Symbol:  Rb Atomic Weight:  85. 4678 Say what? Rubidium is pronounced as  roo-BID-ee-em. Discovery:  R. Bunsen, G. Kirchoff 1861 (Germany), discovered rubidium in the mineral petalite via its dark red spectral lines. Element Classification:  Alkali Metal Density (g/cc):  1. 532 Melting Point (K):  312. 2 Boiling Point (K):  961 Appearance:  soft, silvery-white, highly reactive metal Atomic Radius (pm):  248 Atomic Volume (cc/mol):  55. 9 Covalent Radius (pm):  216 Ionic Radius:  147 (+1e) Specific Heat (@20 °C J/g mol):  0. 360 Fusion Heat (kJ/mol):  2. 0 Evaporation Heat (kJ/mol):  75. 8 Pauling Negativity Number:  0. 82 First Ionizing Energy (kJ/mol):  402. 8 Oxidation States:  +1 Lattice Structure:  Body-Centered Cubic Lattice Constant (A):  5. 590 CAS Registry Number:  7440-17-7 Properties:  Ru bidium may be liquid at room temperature. It ignites spontaneously in air and reacts violently in water, setting fire to the liberated hydrogen. Thus, rubidium must be stored under dry mineral oil, in a vacuum, or in an inert atmosphere. It is a soft, silvery-white metallic element of the alkali group. Rubidium forms amalgams with mercury and alloys with gold, sodium, potassium, and cesium.Rubidium glows red-violet in a flame test. Rubidium Trivia: †¢ Rubidium melts just a little above body temperature. †¢ Rubidium was discovered using spectroscopy. When Bunsen and Kirchoff examined their sample of petalite, they found two red spectral lines deep into the red part of the spectrum. They named their new element rubidium after the Latin word  rubidus  meaning ‘deepest red'. †¢ Rubidium is the second most electropositive element. †¢ Rubidium can be used to give fireworks a red-violet color. †¢ Rubidium is the 23rd  most abundant element in the Earth' s crust. Rubidium chloride is used in biochemistry as a biomarker to track where potassium is taken up by living organisms. †¢ The hyper-fine electron structure of Rubidium-87 is used in some atomic clocks to maintain accuracy. †¢ The isotope Ru-87 was used by Eric Cornell, Wolfgang Ketterle, and Carl Wiemen to produce a Bose-Einstein condensate. This earned them the 2001 Nobel Prize in Physics. Reference: †¢ http://chemistry. about. com/od/elementfacts/a/rubidium. htm †¢ http://www. lenntech. com/periodic/elements/rb. htm †¢ http://www. webelements. com/rubidium/ †¢ http://education. jlab. org/itselemental/ele037. html [pic]

Friday, September 13, 2019

Assignment report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Assignment report - Essay Example It is an inter-disciplinary field that requires expertise from business management, resource management, statistics etc. Access to organized and structured form of information yields a lot of opportunities for businesses- it not only saves time from researching and organizing information collected from eclectic sources, but it also facilitates in making the decision process easier and less time consuming. The aim of this paper is to explore the role of effective management skills in libraries, information systems and virtual teams, specifically those operating in the construction industry. The paper discusses how each one is managed, and gives an overview of funding and marketing in library and information systems. Information systems, abbreviated as IS, is the department that is in charge of the management of computers, data and networking. It can be of different types depending on the needs of the business and the level of organizational hierarchy. They can be either structural databases or software to manage information. An information system is responsible for the compilation of date so that it becomes meaningful information. Information and data differ in the respect that data is raw facts whereas information is the end product of the process of transformation of data into a more organized and meaningful form. Information helps a firm evaluate and make decisions. The assessment of a firm’s management apropos to the efficient and profitable use of firm’s resources is usually made on the basis of economic performance obtained from information on periodic earnings (Epstein et al., 2009).The value and worth of information affects the decisions of the organization and profoundly influences the achievement of the aims of the company. Good information is relevant, usable, reliable and exhaustive. Since information helps companies make decisions and put it into action,

Thursday, September 12, 2019

The Potential Contributions of Human Resource Case Study

The Potential Contributions of Human Resource - Case Study Example British Airways also supports other additional jobs through its supply chain, and all this generates annual revenues of approximately 7.8 billion (Whitelegg 2000, BA 2005). British Airways contributes to economic growth in the UK as it is part of a transport infrastructure on which many other parts of the economy depends on. For example, better transport links between cities have expanded markets, allowing for economies of scale, increased specialisation in areas of competitive advantage and stiffer competitive pressures on companies (OEF 1999, Whitelegg 2000). This also means that British Airways supports foreign direct investment into the United Kingdom and this introduces new technology into the country, as well as improves networking to bring on more innovation (OEF 1999). As with any other industry, the key challenge facing British Airways is future growth and development, especially in light of low-cost airlines and climate change. Despite the impressive record of consistently delivering improvements in energy efficiency, British Airways is once again faced with a multitude of environmental and other factors, which could potentially erode its human resource based, which it has created. In order to understand the potential contributions British Airways makes to the human resource function, it is important to conduct environmental and internal analyses. II. PESTLE Analysis II. i. Political This airline industry is heavily subsidized, however the high cost of labour in the UK has made British Airways look at more cost effective ways of creating jobs, such as automated ticket machines and check-in machines. At the same time the construction of Heathrow Terminal 5 exists to meet the rising demand, which puts pressure on the government in terms of planning, and allocating more runway space in other areas of the country. The conflict in the Middle East has also meant increased fees for flying with British Airways to cover the cost of fuel price increases, which could cost the organization dearly. II. ii. Economic The crisis in the Middle East has resulted in reduced passenger numbers for some routes, and whilst it may not affect all of British Airways routes, a reduction in passenger numbers means significant losses in terms of profit. If passenger growth falls at 3.5% per year instead of the predicted 4%, the UK's GDP would be reduced by 2.5% by 2015 or the equivalent of 30 billion (OEF 1999, BA 2005). In 1997 UK travelers abroad spent 13.4 billion and foreign travelers to the UK spent 9.9 billion (OEF 1999), therefore the importance of the economy cannot be downplayed. II. iii. Social There has been an increase in recreational flyers, or the use of private airplanes, since September, 11th and this has affect passenger numbers slightly (BA 2005). This is also due to the rise of disposable income and specialization of leisure pursuits at small air fields and air

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Walt Whitman Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Walt Whitman - Research Paper Example Whitman’s background was not among the stereotypical academic roots. Born from a working class family, he was not a highly candidate to be educated formal. It was in 1830, while maintaining a job and other forms of education through self motivation, that he was able to attend school. The meager income of the household was not enough to sustain the family of nine in their hometown of New York. Later on, he found his way to work in journalism to earn a living. He also became an educator, though with love and hate relationship with this profession as some disillusionments set in. by 1938 he was able to put up his own newspaper named ‘The Long Islander’ where he labored in every detail of its publication. This was where his first published poem appeared titled, ‘†Our Future Lot.† This endeavor soon end and he continued on writing for other papers and concentrated more on the poem genre in relation to current events (Kellingsworth, pp.2-3). â€Å"Come Said My Soul† and â€Å"Song of Myself† are two very different and yet at the same time similar poems of Walt Whitman. At first sight, it would be apparent to note that the main distinction lies in the length of the two poems. The first one being one single stanza with 11 lines while the latter is almost an entire book with 52 stanzas numbered accordingly. But while this is the obvious difference, the fundamental elements of the poems are the same and are quite susceptible to having the trademark that is palpable of a perceptibly Whitman creation through and through. The theme of the poems are the same. The persona speaks of struggles and overcoming adversities and a predisposition to one’s acts through his character. It would not be an ovestatement to note that the persona speaking in first person in both poems are the author himself. In â€Å"Come SaidMy Soul,†

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Who are you Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Who are you - Essay Example The Canoe restaurant has to a great extent complied with the laid down regulations on food handling and storage. Referring to the Los Angeles county regulations, to evade food contamination, all frozen food should be prepared in a frozen state or refrigerated at a temperature of less than 38 degrees. From the assessment findings, it was noted that, staffs in the restaurant were reluctant in complying with the directives. The temperature in the kitchen was at 73 degrees which was far beyond the stipulated temperature. the kitchen staffs were extremely clean and had spotless and bright uniforms as required for by the Los Angeles county regulations. According to the existing regulations, potentially harmful foods such as fish, beef, and raw pottery ought to be prepared with sanitized and cleaned equipment. However, the inspection confirmed that, the kitchen staffs failed to act in accordance with the existing regulations. During the investigation, it was noted that, the chief assistant used one instrument to chop different meat without cleaning or sterilizing it. To ensure adequate hygiene in foo d preparation, the Los Angeles county regulations emphasizes on the significance of wearing a clean uniform, gloves, and hair nets. After investigation, it was observed that, the chef and its assistant wore gloves but they lacked a hair net. On the other hand, the restaurants did not comply with the regulations which define how foods should be handled when preparing them. At around one, the investigator noted a less frozen turkey on the counter. All foodstuffs are required by the law to be well wrapped and stored in a clean dry. During the investigation, the freezers and refrigerators were all well organized and spotlessly clean as required for in the regulations. The foods in the refrigerator were stored in sealed containers. However, it was impossible to recognize the stored food since the wrapped foods were neither dated nor labeled as specified by the

Monday, September 9, 2019

Combating Future Terrorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Combating Future Terrorism - Essay Example Domestic terrorism has been described as the violence focusing on populations or the nation’s facilities but have no foreign direction. Such activities of groups of terrorists or individuals are homegrown, meaning they have no external assistance, such as funding, to attack populations or government elements. On the other hand, international terrorism involves activities that are either or both foreign-sponsored and foreign-based. Under the FBI’s foreign classification, the activities of violence may either extend beyond the US’s national boundaries or originate from foreign countries. In this sense, the distinction between international and domestic terrorism is not based on where the violent acts take place but rather, on the responsible groups’ or individuals’ origin (Enders & Sandler, 2006). Since the al-Qaeda led the 2001 September 11 attacks on the US, it has become difficult to clearly determine, define and predict the future characteristics of terrorism. Subsequently, the US has developed counter-terrorism strategies that will address any form of terrorist attacks aimed at its facilities and populations. Basing on the decision that foreign terrorism constitutes the greatest threat to the US, this paper will support the decision and discuss combating future terrorism using diversity, cultural and historic aspects. Terrorism, evidently, results from the interactions of human beings sharing an environment with other groups, individuals and governments. The government may or may not meet the expectations and needs of its people; the people increasingly and continuously identify with radicals founded on different reasons; the people may have experienced genuine or perceived trauma or discrimination, which may either be indirectly or first hand; the people may also have met charismatic leaders or heard of resonant messages that interconnect

Sunday, September 8, 2019

DWI (The Legal and Ethical Environment of Business) Essay

DWI (The Legal and Ethical Environment of Business) - Essay Example The telecom service providers(1) would have been able to collect more money and reduce their losses if it would have been possible for them to know that which customer would pay the bills and which customer is going to ditch them. Therefore one of the basic needs of risk management is to study the attitude of the customers. Once the company knows as to how a customer behaves with his billing issue, it would be very clear as to how he would behave further. It has been observed that the telecom providers who use transaction -based risk management are able to focus their attention on the riskiest accounts thus assigning the appropriate treatment to all the calls that is required. An advanced risk management technique has been devised which includes the following features: There should be an analysis of the complete set of data about the customer, the billing and the behavioral data. This will include all details about the calls and also the payment history and the customer service interactions. As regarding the private and public law implications in this situation, it is advisable that first both the terms should be made very clear. The private law is that part of the system of law which includes in it the relationship between the individuals only like the law of contract or tort etc.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Marketin Planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Marketin Planning - Essay Example The advisory committee helps the companies to reveal the strength and weakness in the strategic plans. It discusses the strategic responses with the companies and provides them with the outcome where the company has to improve. The companies are required to get registered with the committee, so that they receive continuous updates and monitoring from IHS CERA. The membership is taken on the annual basis and the committee delivers two research cycles to the companies, who are registered under it. The committee provides with the current scenario of marketing strategies of the industries. The companies will remain well aware regarding the changing perspective of the marketing plans that are undertaken by the industry (Petro Tech, 2012). The members are bound to receive the following from the committee: 1) Forecast or anticipation of the oil and gas industry of the United States 2) Get the access to the IHS CERA Database Centre. 3) Receive semi annual client meeting (invitation/ record o f the proceedings) Shell is the leading oil and petrochemical company based in Unites States. The company seeks to develop unique marketing strategy based on the current scenario of the marketing plans of the industry. ... Shells seek to maintain its position in the industry by meeting the global energy demand in a very responsible way. They aim at providing competitive returns for the shareholders. The company also seeks to develop a competitive edge, so that they can retain the best position in the industry. In new downstream markets, access to upstream resources has become very difficult as there exist high competition. But for Shell the main competitive advantage is their capability of project delivery and the operational excellence along with their concentration in the upstream businesses. The company has invested 80% of the capital in the upstream business in 2013. In the upstream business, the company focus on the exploration of new liquids and natural gas reserves. They aim at developing new projects where the technology and the know-how of the business can add value to the resource holders (Deloitte, 2013). The downstream and upstream engines are generating cash and developing the business, wh ich is strengthening the financial performance of the company.   The company makes investment in few selective growth regions. It thus applies distinctive technology to the growth regions and provides with excellent operating performance for extending the productive lives of the assets of the company and hence increases profitability. Their major strategies are the deep water, integrated gas and the resources that play an important role, such as shale oil and gas. The themes provide them with medium term growth and they expect to make the themes to be their core engines of the business in the near future. The future opportunities of Shell include the potential oil reserves of Iraq, Arctic, Nigeria and Kazakhstan. The opportunities are to be exploited by the company in order to